Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Ex UMNO Minister and close cousin of the criminally charged ex PM Najib, Hishamuddin ventured towards what is clearly NOT UMNO/PAS policy by urging that communal divides be set aside in the interests of national unity and progress. Here he was echoing recent PH calls to the same effect and both parties are absolutely right in promoting that policy.

It is the communal and divisive policies preached by the UMNO/PAS recent alliance that will end up by causing national disaster if the electorate chooses to be influenced by them.

Why that should be so when one party to that grouping, UMNO, stand convicted of gross abuse of public funds and electoral power and the other,PAS, preach religious intolerance as a fundamental policy; despite knowing that it can only lead to disaster. And disaster that no Heavenly power can avert or fix. A heavy responsibility indeed and a heavy price to pay for fanaticism based on religion.

Let us hope that the line taken by ex Minister Hishamuddin will give many Malay voters pause before hurling the country on the religious bayonets of the fanatics in the North.

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