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A Picture Is Greater

Than a thousand words. The truth of that proverb is once more illustrated by the picture of the timber tycoon’s mansion heading the latest Sarawak Report scandal  disclosure.

One question, and one only, needs to be asked and it is this. How much tax has the owner of that mansion paid since starting his rape of Sarawak’s tropical forest? There are others. Why imported labour? Exploiting dirt poor Indonesians who cannot find work in their own country and are obliged to accept whatever crumbs their Chinese master deigns to allow them.

Of course there should be a proper trade union for these unfortunate workers but that would cut into the obscene profits of the owner and force him to provide decent working conditions and pay. Perish the thought! They are only immigrants with no rights in GPS Sarawak.

Sitting somewhere behind a desk in Sarawak is the official responsible for the protection of worker’s rights. Behind another, altogether more grand and imposing, is a “Minister” in the State government with responsibility for the proper management of exploitation of the State’s timber resources. Or are both of these proud Sarawakians on permanent leave from their duties? As they do nothing it seems so.

When will Putrajaya open its firmly closed eyes to the huge scandal that is GPS Sarawak and take action? The MACC could clean up the whole  mess in no time and if it costs a little money to expand Sarawak’s prison accomodations that would be money very well spent. Maybe the pictured mansion could be converted for the purpose; after it is forfeited to the State for non payment of taxes!

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