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A Weak And Evil Man

Najib Razak is not the first politician to match the title shown above. Far from it. The whole history of human kind is stuffed with them. But current examples are more relevant than past ones; such as Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin. Not perhaps the first two names that spring to mind. But the similarities are there none the less.

Neither Hitler nor Stalin were born, as was Najib, with silver spoons in their mouths. They began with nothing and bludgeoned and murdered their way to absolute control of their respective peoples. But origins apart they were clones. Without conscience. Without scruple. Without restraint of any kind.

All three lusted for power but only Najib also lusted for riches. All three accepted no constraint on their actions and all three were fundamentally immoral in character. They lasted as long as they did because they used any necessary means to deal with problems as they arose; irrespective both of law and of morality. Their appeal, such as it was, rested on spurious grounds. Stalin as a Czar manque, Hitler as a national saviour and Najib on the simple fact that he is a Malay, notionally protecting Malay privilege while at the same time both dishonouring his community and stealing its assets. 1MDB, SRC, Tabun Haji,Provident funds and others.

Neither Hitler nor Stalin could have lasted in power had they not removed all human rights from their unfortunate people and repressed with utmost brutality their own fellow citizens. What we are now seeing is a Malaysian trying to follow the same example but lacking the ruthlessness of his exemplars. A murder here, a grand theft there, continuous corruption illuminate the character. But is the ruthlessness there? And, equally importantly, is the support?

Crooked lawyers? Yes. Servile and incompetent police chiefs. Yes. But real public support? Soviet communism had its whipping boy, the Czar.  Hitler the political incompetents of the Weimar regime. But Najib? A handful of venal UMNO activists. That does not a revolution make but rather a public farce.

What is needed in Malaysia now is a realisation that colonialism, kept alive for sixty years as an UMNO raison d’etre is truly in the past as are its institutions that defy democracy. It is for the people of Malaysia, all of its people, to dismiss the colonial relics in Putrjaya and work together honestly to build for the nation the better future that its people, all of them, deserve

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