Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

At last!

Sarawak’s Chief Minister finally makes a realistic demand for the State to have control over its mineral resources; principally oil.

Maybe there is some connection between the new demands and the fact that the timber resources of the State, for the right to despoil which the oil rights were traded by corrupt Sarawakian politicians, are now almost exhausted.

But if Sarawak thinks that its electoral leverage will bring a better deal. Think again. Master criminal Najib will, of course, promise anything but the fact remains that without the profits from oil Malaysia would be a bankrupt State.

Furthermore it is very improbable that UMNO will have any power to fulfil pre-election promises as it will be in a tiny minority; if it has any seats at all, in the next Parliament. The Sarawak CM would be better occupied in negotiating with PH; a deal which, in return for electoral support, might bring an improvement in Sarawak’s share of its mineral resources.

In any event forget “get rich quick” notions. That could only happen if Sarawak were to be an independent State and a dishonest UK government blocked that outcome back in the sixties.

So Chief Minister, try for a deal with the winners and forget any support for the crooks in BN.

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