Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

BN's Not So Secret Weapons

When election time comes round BN deploys its two main weapons, bribery and intimidation. It is no surprise that both these tactics are criminal offences.

The coming election offers yet another opportunity to Sarawakians to show that they understand democracy and want it to prevail in their society. Will that opportunity be taken or will Sarawakians simpy sell their freedom, their dignity and their self respect for a soiled handful of low denomination notes and some free beer.

That scenario has been repeated often enough in past elections. “The Tuai Rumah says to vote for BN”.  Of course he has been paid to say that and also told that if his people vote otherwise he will lose his position and the salary that goes with it. Do you care about  that?

Or; Vote BN or there will be no government money spent in your area in future. If you want schools, clinics, roads, piped water or anything else vote BN. If you dont you will get none of these things.

And; here are ten or twenty ringgit for you. Vote BN. If you dont we will know ad you and your family will be punished.

Look! A helicopter. But it is only bringing a BN politician to visit you, at your own expense, to buy and threaten you for votes. It would be good if that helicopter would be available when a sick person needs to be taken to hospital butit wont be. “Reserved for the Minister’s use”

It is not really necessary to go on providig exampes of BN criminal activity during elections. You have all seen it too many times before.  And seen the total neglect by BN after they have bought your votes and handed out logging licences on your NCR lands to Chinese cronies. Or destroying your habitat with a new dam which offers so much corrupt profit ad improves nothing. What is really astonishing is why you go on putting up with it.

You dont need to!  Kick out the corrupt BN regime and a new clean administration can see to it that you get the facilities you all want but dont get,  It can also put th BN crooks in jail, recover their ill gotten billions and use that money to provide the life enhancing improvements you all want but will never get with BN.

Remember this one thing.  BN are in it for what they can get and once you have voted for them you might just as well not exist as they spend the next five yars stealing, lying and indulging in every vice and crimnal activity that you have been foolish enough to approve by votig for them


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