Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

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The reaction of the KL police chief responsible for investigating the suspicious death of a female Dutch national, earlier written off as an “accident”

Why does this senior police officer think that new evidence in a case, for the investigation of which he is responsible, should surface in the press instead of being brought to him?

Does he seriously not understand that the reputation of the PDRM has been brought so low by a succession of, at best, incompetent bosses, that it no longer has public trust, let alone admiration.

Those publicising the new evidence through the Press have done so to ensure that it both becomes public knowledge and should force a reluctant and/or incompetent police force to review the investigation. What have this KL police officer and his boss IGP Fuzi to say to that?

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