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Election Sarawak 2016

There is only one fundamental issue for the electors to decide and it is Trust. All the parties contesting will ask for your trust and only you, the voters, can decide to which you will give it.

In making that decision you should look at the record.   BN politicians can and will lie and equivocate. There is only one reliable measure by which to judge them. Their record. You know what has happened and what has not.  You know how it has benefitted or harmed you. At election time you are, however briefly, the judges, not to be taken for granted.

So. Look back. As far as you can. Try to estimate what the politicians who have been in power for decades have done for you. Or not done as the case may be. Once you had the forest; now the timber mafia have it, or the little that is left of it . Sure they stole it but how? Only with the approval and connivance of BN.  Who gave the licences? What did they get in return? Did you, the real owners of the forest, get anything?  Apart, that is, from being threatened by timber tycoons’ armed thugs.

Once you had native customary lands. From the time of the British. And before them from the White Rajahs, And before them, because they did not dare to try to deprive you of them,from the Brunei Sultans. Who has them now? BN. Who is trying to take what has not yet been taken? BN

Once you had promises. There would be roads, schools, clinics and hospitals.  Jobs for those that want them. Freedom to continue the traditional way of life for those that wanted that. A better life for all. More money in your pockets. Now you still have promises but nothing else and if you support BN again promises will be all that you will have. After all promises cost nothing.  You cant eat them or wear them or pass them to your chldren. You can just believe them or just disbelieve them. The record of the past will show you which to do.

In the end then BN will once more try to drown you in promises, try to bluff you with lies about “development” and the bright future that is always coming but never arrives. They will also try,  as they always have tried, to buy your votes. Suddenly, after years of neglect, the sky will be full of helicopters, the roads of four wheel drives the rivers by big outboard motors. Not seen since the last election and not to be seen again until the next; if that ever comes.

All these machines will be stuffed with fat, prosperous politicians out slumming amongst you for the day.They will talk the talk but that is not why they have come.  You know from the last time they are there to buy your votes and to threaten you that if you dont vote for them they will know and act accordingly. The school you want. The road, the clean water supply. Whatever you need and as much as you need they will promise to provide if you vote for them

And, to show their contempt for you, for the backward native communities who have nothing, they will spread a lttle paper money around. They may even give you a feast and some beer to drive away your miseries. And then they wlll be off though not before giving your Tua Kampong or Tuai Rumah rather more cash with which to remember to remind you all to vote BN or face trouble

Thats the BN system of electioneering.  You know it. You have seen it too many times before and fallen for it as many. But still the promises remain promises. Your lands are grabbed. Your forest is cut down and driven away to fill the pockets of the BN top leaders and their Chinese co-conspirators. They do it because they think, with reason and experience, they can get away with it.

This time, prove them wrong. Pocket the bribes, drink the beer eat the feast but dont whatever you do vote for them. Take Sarawak back!

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