Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Everyone Must Follow The Covid Rules

Thus “Senior Minister” Ismail Sabri. But it appears that, according to the same “Senior Minister”, everyone does not include what he called people’s representatives. They, and among them must be venal politicians who have “frogged” to PN, can, it appears, visit their constituents. That decision sums up both the idiocy and the venality of PN. So why was it made?

PN are desperate to try to demonstrate that they are a “legal” government while all Malaysians know that they are in Putrajaya only by connivance at the highest levels and deliberate disregard for the result of opinion taking. What the electorate will make of that, and how they will punish it, remains in the future.  But punishment there will be and the “Senior Minister” would do well to understand that fact.

While he is at the business of making exemptions for his friends and fellow conspirators will he make public the covid rules relating to playing golf during the outbreak?

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