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Independent skilful legal profession

That, claimed the “Chief Justice, Raus, was what was needed in Malaysia. He did not see fit to go on to explain whether such a profession already existed in Malaysia but another apologist said that the drop off in standards in the legal profession was due to the use of the English language!

Considering that advocates in Malaysia have all studied law in the UK and passed, after their fashion, the English Bar examinations this seems a curious claim. Unless of course the maker of it wished to imply that Malaysian law students in the UK receive special treatment in the Bar examinations?

The fact of the matter is that Malaysia cannot hope to have the desired “independent skilful legal profession” the country needs and deserves so long as crooked politicians like Prime Minister Najib blatantly manipulate the law and the Courts and the judiciary.

No one should know this better than the Chief Justice Raus and his fellow President of the Court of Appeal. Their long experience in the legal profession must surely have allowed them to see that they hold their present offices by illegal manipulation and in breach of the Constitution.

If the two senior judges cannot see that why should they expect high standards from the Courts and the legal profession?

The Bar Council contains lawyers of the highest professional repute and competence. That is why it is trying to rid the Malaysian legal profession of judges who have sold their souls and professional reputations for a brief extension of their periods of office. There is room for a clean out. That is undeniable. And the incoming government will see that it is implemented.

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