Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

National Stability?

The deputy leader of PAS is reported as saying that the dominant race; meaning in his context the Malay community, must govern in  order to “ensure national stability”

Are Malaysians to understand that “national stability”, whatever he meant by that, can only be ensured by a Malay dominated government? In that case how does he explain the thief regime headed by alleged mega thief Najib, a Malay? Did that “ensure national stability”?  Or just fill the pockets of a lot of people, including help to PAS.

Fortunately this racist diatribe is unlikely to have much effect as most sensible Malays are able to separate religion from governance. For those unable to make that vital distinction a look round the world will show that most major powers are neither Islamic nor guided by Islamic or any other religious doctrines. This may sadden this PAS boss but it remains a fact that he would do well to notice.

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