Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

None So Blind

Najib’s favourite attempt to delay justice is reported eye trouble. It must be clear to all concerned, and the trial judge in particular, that he and his lawyers will resort to any and all dodges to try to spin out his trial until the next election! Though why he should think that that election will have a different result from the last is a mystery hard to penetrate.

Will he be standing on a “thieves charter” ticket under which all theft and allied offences will not merely be non-justiciable but positively encouraged? Why should anyone vote for a mega thief like him? Even if he bangs the communal drum or, like his PAS purchases, the religious one?

Why, it is pertinent to ask, should the trial be delayed because of a mini eye ailment? It is his lawyer, not him, that needs to be able to see and read. Does he too have an eye infection? If not the trial should proceed. Bending over backwards to be fair can only result in those doing that falling flat on their backs. And who is the winner then?

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