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Oil crossed palm

As part of the mega thief Najib’s attempt to sell Malaysia to Beijing in return for personal financial gain and cover up of mega crime, a new aspect has come into view.

A CPG official announced that China will place no limit on the quantity of palm oil that it will buy from Malaysia. This in the context of the recently announced decision to ban palm oil from Western markets.

That decision, taken on substantial health grounds, is a serious threat to palm oil producing countries of which Malaysia is one of the principals. It exposes the stupidity of policies that threaten overall economic stability for political gain. Oil palm plays such a major role in Malaysia’s economy because racially biased politicians promoted subsidised oil palm plantation to buy votes in the Malay community.

At the same time, and equally attracted by the profits from palm oil (now disappeared), Sarawak mega thief Taib promoted the plantation of oil palm on land left naked by his destruction of Sarawak’s rain forest. Taib of course has the money and the oil planters will be left holding the unprofitable baby!

On top of these problems there is another in the shape of very large numbers of imported wage slave labourers from other countries to work on the oil palm plantations. Used as illegal election fodder by BN they will now pose a major economic headache for Malaysia as their reason to be in Malaysia at all disappears.

All in all yet another Najib UMNO and BN disaster which will have heavy human as well as financial costs and pose major political problems. From the recent CPG announcement about purchases of palm oil it appears that the campaign to make Malaysia a puppet state under CPG direction has taken another successful step

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