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One In Four?

In a public lie worthy of his equally crooked predecessor, Taib Mahmud, Sarawak CM Taibenan claimed that a quarter of Sarawak’s work force would lose their jobs if exploitation of the State’s forests were to be strictly controlled! As prescribed in State law, he omitted to add.

This from the man in charge of the State!  Quite apart from the fact that his statement is wholly untrue it is clear evidence that he supports illegal activity so long as it fills his personal pockets; and never mind about law and order!  No wonder he is called Taibenan. There is no dfference between him and his former master, and fellow mega criminal, Taib.

What his statement means is that he and BN Sarawak are ready to follow their master criminal boss Najib Razak in stealing whatever public money and resources they can and his pious statements made after he succeeded Taib have been junked in favour of unrestrained corruption

It is to try to make this continuing criminal rape of what is left of the States’ forests acceptable to the electors that he now issues these lying threats. Threats are of course cheaper than bribes for votes but Taibenan fails to understand what his predecessor knew which is that many Sarawkians are so poor and ground down that even a paltry bribe for a vote every five years is cheap at the price and can be snatched back in minutes as yet another part of the forest falls.

Unti now it might have seemed that it was only in Semananjong that the politicians were so mad and so greedy as to be seen as openly stealing billions of public funds. But no. Taibenan has now announced publicly that he is every bit as corrupt as Najib and keen to follow the latter’s criminal example.

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