Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

Plain Speaking

There comes a time in the history of every nation when speaking out changes from an option to a necessity.

For Malaysia that time is now. Every Malaysian knows about the cimes committed by Najib Razak and only the corrupted few around him pretend otherwise. For money? For jobs? To try to save their own corrupted skins?

They will end up in prison, or worse, and deep down they know it; even if the present jobs, official cars, bribes and alleged status work to close their eyes and shut their mouths. They will have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide and life in Sg. Buloh is very different from life in Putrajaya. There is only one road out of all this for them and that is immediate confession.

Come forward now and tell what you know. Singapore isn’t far away or inacessible. Or would you rather have a few weeks more in the pig’s trough before the Sg. Buloh regime?

Everything changes. Nothing stays the same. The wise man knows when it is time to speak. Do you?

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