Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Relentless Logging

In an impressively sourced and researched article the website Sarawak Report sets out the dangers to mankind posed by the “relentless logging” that has disfigured Sarawak and Sabah for decades not only enriching criminal politicians and their business cronies but contributing in a big way to global warming. The fact that these criminal politicians may well experience super warming after their overdue demise is no comfort to  the people of their States who face a poverty stricken future due to that criminal greed.

It is not necessary to ask why this major crime wave has been allowed to continue for decades. Deals, many of them very dirty, have allowed politicians both at State and Federal level to profit phenonemally from the destruction of the inheritance of their populations as well as making a major contribution to global warming, which threatens to create global catastrophe.

Are there no signs of contrition, or even realisation of the magnitude of their crimes by the politicians concerned? Sadly no. The profits, safe both from taxation and seizure by being hidden in offshore dirty money havens are a testimony to the depths to which humans can sink in exploiting their fellows. And the fact that they have got away with their mega crime oir decades says all that is necessary about their political allies and beneficiaries.

There is now, at long last, a government in power in Malaysia that could put an end to all these abuses. The means, MACC and PDRM, stand ready to clean the Augean stables. All they lack is a green light, and perhaps, the courage to pursue crime despite official discouragement. If all this were happening under a BN government it would be taken as normal; normal criminality that is. But under PH?

If there is a credible explanation and or, excuse it is past time to make it public. OR wear the label of their BN predecessors.

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