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Slanderous and seditious news

A new journalistic category, so far undefined in law, but apparently clear in the mind of IGP Fuzi who spoke, mostly nonsense, at length at the opening ceremony of Najib’s latest effort to combat the truth on social media.

In these matters Fuzi may lay claim to some hands-on experience. Until his recent elevation he was in charge of the PDRM Special Branch, one of the functions of which is the preparation of periodical intelligence reports to the Prime Minister.

These reports are supposed to relate to national security. Not the personal and/or political security of the Prime Minister and his party. However as genuine external and internal threats to national security are limited to the dangers posed to the economy by mega thefts by the PM and some minor piracy in Sabah he must have been hard pressed to write more than a couple of paragraphs.

Of course that was not the case. Such reports in fact inform the Prime Minister on the internal political situation and are supposed to be impartial and accurate. Sometimes they may be but a wise Director will not want to extend his neck to the tyrant’s kris and so will temper truth with platitudinous lies.

So when IGP Fuzi speaks in public about mis-reporting one can take it that he is speaking from personal experience. And now that he no longer has to worry about possible consequences of doing that he can afford to pontificate in public about how citizens should e-communicate; according to him.

He, and we, might be better off if he were to concentrate his efforts on policing and leave public utterances to the politician who appointed him.

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