Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

Spoilt Vote Campaign

This UMNO initiative, based on the advice of their election “consultants” is intended to induce young voters to spoil their votes and so invalidate them.

The fact that it has first reared its propaganda head in Sabah is significant. It can be assumed that UMNO’s foreign gurus have identified that politically naïve area as the best place to try to get the spoilt vote campaign going.

As the general election nears we can expect to see a whole raft of election and vote spoiling tactics being unveiled as a desperate Najib follows the advice of foreign “election consultants” on how to ensure his re-election in the face of his national, and indeed world-wide, reputation as a mega criminal.

Malaysians should be aware that these foreign “consultants” do not work for nothing and that their costs are being defrayed out of money stolen from voters by arch thief Najb Razak. So to avoid any more UMNO/Najib mega thefts VOTE and vote Pakatan Harapan.

Another foreign inspired tactic is to claim that both candidates for Prime Minister are old men, unfit for office. This is, of course an BN tactic aimed at Dr. Mahathir. Everyone should realise and remember that Dr.M is a stop gap leader, only there until the criminally unjust conviction of Anwar Ibrahim can be overturned and he can return to Parliament and the Prime Ministership.

Dr. M has repeated this dozens of times and the whole of PH confirms it. So why believe the mega liar and mega thief Najib when he denies it?

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