Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

The Real Battle

Press reports indicate that there is “a battle” ongoing in Putrajaya between supporters of MACC chief Dzulkifli and those after his head. These reports focus on an alleged liaison with a woman not his wife.

The liasion is not the issue. It is the excuse. What mega thief Najib is after is total control over the MACC and thus an end to any investigations about the crimes he personally has committed.

The time is past when he could solve such problems by instant sacking and replacement; as in the case of Attorney General Apandi. If he could have he would have; long ago.

The real problem is that, having got rid of the former MACC chief into retirement, he has now to deal with the problem that Dzulkifli is going ahead with investigations that will soon reach him; Najib.

So some means of discrediting Dzulkifli have to be found and this alleged liasion, in contravention of an outdated section of the Penal Code, seems to Najib to be the necessary lever. Of course it is nothing of the kind as any trial, even before the most carefully selected judge, would soon show.

He knows that he cannot in reality take this to Court and has to hope that his threat to do so is not seen as the empty bluff that it really is.


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