Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

UMNO/PAS Alliance

Many Malaysians will be wondering, in private and more openly, about the rationale for this new political tie up. As well they might.

Here we have a fundamentally religious party, subscribing to the tenets of Islam, making common cause with one whose leadership are undergoing criminal prosecution for mega crime.

Furthermore there seems to be evidence that PAS took a substantial sum of money from Najib prior to the last General Election. Semi admissions to the effect that this was to enable PAS candidates to pay their deposits do not sit well with evidence recently published, and not denied, that many prominent PAS personalities have blossomed out with new cars, houses and other goodies. There has been no explanation for this sudden wealth from the PAS bosses benefiting from it.

Of course since BN/UMNO were booted from power their ability to buy support has been diminished and they live under the threat that their past conduct might lead to their de-registration as a Society. So it makes little political sense for PAS to tie themselves to the deck of a sinking ship. Or it would were it not for the number one evil in Malaysia; communalism.

To suggest that adult voters should cast their votes exclusively on the basis that they belong to a racial group is not merely absurd. It is actively pernicious. Especially when the leaders concerned have been shown to be utterly corrupt. The nearest example could be the British electorate deciding to vote for Adolf Hitler on the basis that he was a white German.

If Malaysia is to progress to the status of a fully developed first class nation these pernicious ideas about electoral support being given on a racial and or religious basis have to be countered by all available means, including legislative action. Hopefully the trend displayed by younger voters at the last general election to support policy rather than ethnicity will continue and grow as time goes on. That is the only hope for Malaysia.

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