Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Who Do They Think They Are?

With almost breath taking arrogance a PAS spokesman has instructed the Prime Minister on how to conduct himself and what to do next. Perhaps this spokesman thought he was passing on instructions from on high? There appear to be no limits to the arrogance of the leadership of this party. Perhaps they think that they are the recipients of divine guidance and the chosen tool to pass on political instructions.

In that case let us disabuse them at once. Political instructions come from the voters and nowhere else. Crude attempts to deceive the voters into believing that they are to do what are claimed to be orders from on high are long outdated and a feature of backward societies,not modern democracies such as Malaysia.

Political bias based on considerations of religious adherence  has no place in democratic societies and the sooner PAS realise and accept that fact the better. Politics, like much else in this world, are not made in Heaven and to pretend otherwise is ignorant at best and malign at worst.

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