Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

Why Not Sarawak?

Over a year has passed since the reforming PH government was returned to power by an electorate sick to death of the corruption and associated crime which characterised the BN governments over decades.

True the chef villain of the BN years, Najib, is on trial for a variety of criminal offences committed while he was Prime Minister. True also that his righthand man will soon be tried for a whole slew of similar crimes and, no doubt, these two will be followed in the dock by dozens of their accomplices.

Well and good. But what about Sarawak. Perhaps the biggest, and certainly the most senior evident crook of them all still sits untouched in the Governor’s mansion in Kuching. Why is he too not in the dock?

Sarawak is a swamp of corruption which the MACC could clean up without difficulty.They have the staff, they are fully aware of the scale of corruption in the State, but nothing happens.

Action now please

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