Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

Words of Wisdom!

In a pitch supporting investment by the CPG and Chinese nationals in Malaysia Minister Mustafa Mohamed said a number of thoughtless and silly things.

But he did end up, no doubt unintentionally, with some pre-election advice for Malaysian voters. They must, he said, choose a government that is consistent in carrying out short term, medium and long term policies which will benefit them in the future.

A statement of the obvious and equally clearley he cannot have been referring to BN which is solely interested in policies of all kinds that only benefit a gang of mega criminals headed by arch thief Najib Razak.

Policies of this kind, advocated by this minister, will certainly be worked out and implemented by the PH government after GE14. If necessary, though unlikely, they will know where to find him. Next to his former ministerial colleagues!

That government will also, unlike Naji’s criminal one,take care not to sell national sovereignty to the CPG and to ensurethat Maaysia does nt bcome a awn in CPG plicies designed to expand China’s reach into te Indian cean, Africa ad elsewhere.l

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