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A Curious Case In Kuching

A low level Court in Kuching is reported to have refused an application by the MACC to remand three arrested persons. If the press report is accurate their lawyer claimed that they were even unaware for what reason they had been arrested. This seems improbable since they must have been told by the arresting officer why he had arrested them and it seems very unlikely that they simply entered custody without enquiring why or offering any explanation for the conduct which must have motivated the MACC to arrest them.

Of course matters will not end there and the future hearings will no doubt explain matters. What this incident does show is that the MACC are, at last, starting to act against the corruption that has been rampant in Sarawak for decades and has had official protection for all that time.

That is hardly surprising when a corrupt and criminal administration has kept itself in power for decades by a mixture of bribery, especially at election times, and intimidation of anyone daring to protest its illegal actions. Just as the removal of one brick can bring a whole structure tumbling down this first acton by MACC in Sarawak will prove to be the start of the demise of the corrupt GPS State government and the entry into well deserved confinement of many of its members.That cannot happen too soon.

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