Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.


In the light of new allegations around the murder of this Mongolian citizen there is one simple step that can be taken that should either put an end to rumours or provide reason for a further enquiry.

It is a full enquiry into stocks of the explosive used to dismember her corpse. There is no question that explosive was used for that.There is testimony that the explosive came from Ministry of Defence stocks and that the rules governing its use required approval from the Minister for any issue from those stocks.

The only question, therefore, is whether such Ministerial approval was given, when and to whom? Simple questions easily pursued by the PDRM. And they should be if only to satisfy public concern that the real criminals behind that murder are brought to justice. Accessories to a capital crime face the same penalty as principals. And no one is suggesting that a mere police inspector and his sergeant accomplice could have authorised the issue of the explosive used. So who did? The IGP must act NOW or risk being viewed as helping to suppress evidence.

One further point now seeing the light of day is the apparent existence of some secret PDRM unit tasked with what the KGB called “wet work”. How is it possible that such an unit existed and who authorised that?

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