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Starving The People. Round Two

After the recently exposed scandal of PN supporting GPS in Sarawak trying to limit the issue of food aid to persons selected by its State assembly members, the same despicable attempt appears to have been tried in Semananong; specifically in Penang where a “deputy education “Minister” issued an official letter to the Welfare Department listing the names of “official distributors of baskets of relief food supplies.

Just how food relief to those in need is any part of the duties if a “deputy higher education Minister” has yet to be explained; apart from yet anther instance of PN abusing official power to favour those whom it thinks support it, or who may be bribed to do so. Or worse, those who conspired with PN to misuse official aid for personal and or political benefit.

It is to be hoped that the new Attorney General will not be diverted by other considerations when considering this case when the Investigation Paper which the IGP’s Penang representative is doubtless preparing. Any comment IGP?

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