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Above All Laws?

PAS personality Abdul Hadi announced to anyone inclined to listen to him that Islam is above all laws. He was apparently referring to an alleged dispute between the Prime Minister and some State Rulers. In a religious sense he may be right and certainly some co-religionists will agree with him. But in a temporal sense he is quite wrong.

Malaysia, the country of which he is a citizen, has its Constitution as its supreme law and all Malaysians, be they Rulers, peasants and even self appointed political “leaders”are subject to its provisions. If Abdul Hadi thinks otherwise he should take the legal opinion of lawyers in his own party. Once he is no longer with us his destiny will be, as for all of us, unknown. In the meanwhile he would do well to remember of which country he is a citizen.And also the perils of unstudied and ill thought out litigation.

That is, as he now knows, an expensive operation better not entered into, even for political reasons and at someone else’s expense.

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