Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

Expected Disappointment

It does not come as a surprise that the PH government approval rating is considerably lower after a year in charge than when seeking election. It has to be remembered that the majority voted for change due to the criminal conduct of the outgoing BN administration. It is a pity that it has taken a year just to get the prime criminal, Najib Razak into a criminal court. His conviction on the current  and future charges would prove to voters that they acted correctly.

It is also no surprise that dissatisfaction is reported to be greater among Malay voters. The older sections of that community were where BN got such votes as it did and it is there that generations of coddling have resulted in feelings that the world owes members of that community a living simply on ethnic grounds.. Communalism is a deadly disease that can and does wreck countries and mixed communities and the PH administration should do what it can to reduce it. Hopefully the youth, whose votes put PH in,will see to it that communalism dies out just as colonialism did. PH need to work actively on that issue.

As the full scale of BN wrongdoing emerges into public consciousness a healthier feeling between all communities in Malaysia should emerge with acknowledgement of the strengths and weaknesses of all of them. For the prosperity and future of all Malaysians that needs to happen and bad mouthing the Prime Minister will do nothing to help.

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