Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

Aiding and abetting

A term of art that no judge or lawyer should be unaware of, nor of the usual consequences of doing that.

Nevertheless the Courts are in danger of being seen doing exactly that by using tactics to try to block the hearing of a challenge to the Registrar of Societies. Why? Because the Registrar, presumably on illegal orders from arch thief Najib, has been told to stop the registration of the new opposition party PPBM and is too cowardly to ignore an illegal order and do what she is paid to do.

The latest judicial excuse for not hearing an application they would be bound to grant is to claim that they “cannot find anyone to hear the matter” Dozens of judges on the payroll. All too busy to hear this urgent application. Justice may be blind in Malaysia but it is not palmless.

All those concerned, judges, court officials and the Registrar of Societies should be clear in their own minds about the consequences of their present blocking activities. Not just loss of job but also of pension and, perhaps of personal liberty. Think again

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