Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

Blundering Trouble Maker

Former Minister and Najib relative Hishamuddin is reported as trying to get Malay members from the governing PH coalition to demand that the Prime Minister be “allowed” to stay in that office for the full term of the current Administration.

Why he should think that the matter in any way concerns him; a failed Minister, hoping to interfere in the internal administration of the governing coalition is difficult to comprehend unless, of course, it is just an attempt to stir up communal feelings. That can hardly be so since the agreed successor is also a Malay.

One is left to speculate whether personal jealousies are at work here. If so all concerned are wasting their time.  Dr Mahathir has made his position plain and can be relied on to adhere to his stated intentions. As his successor is also, along with “Hish”, from the Malay community motives other than communalism have to be sought. Most observers will not have to look too far.

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