Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

Now There's A Surprise

UMNO and PAS members of the Assembly are opposed to the introduction of declaration of assets by Members. No room for astonishment there. Many of them would find it impossible to explain a true declaration in the light of their past employment history.

Perhaps the most ingenious excuse offered for non compliance with the declaration came from a PAS member who claimed that assets “given by God” should remain secret!  Unfortunately he did not go on to explain how divine financial assistance reached anyone; himself included. Via Najib and UMNO perhaps?!

That there should have been any reluctance by any sitting member to the proposal is, or ought to be, surprising. Any of them who is able to show to the public the extent of their assets should have nothing to fear if they have legitimate explanations. Perhaps an additional reason for the reluctance expressed in some quarters is that everyone, the Inland Revenue included, would have access to these declarations and pose questions about the provenance of wealth apparently in excess of employment history. It seems possible that a slew of prosecutions for tax evasion will be in the pipeline!

Most disturbing of all is the amount of opposition to a measure that should have passed nem.con.  Like it or not MLAs are in the public eye and any suggestions of dishonest conduct will more easily see the light of day. The public look forward to seeing Najib’s Pekan declaration. Or will he resign from the Assembly before the Courts leave him no option?

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