Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Clean Party Funds

A senior UMNO party official has claimed publicly that money seized from the party is “clean party funds” and not public money which he seem freely to admit was in fact received by his party during the criminal Najib regime!

Well no harm in asking but does he seriously believe that anyone will accept that years of criminal diversion of public money to Najib and his cronies are separate from “clean party funds”?

When will he publish figures to support this insolent claim? What, one has to ask, does the Registrar of Societies have to say? Presumably official investigations are in train into UMNO/BN funds as part of an enquiry to establish whether the party should be de-registerd for complicity in the financial crimes of its former leadership.

Greed can lead the greedy into dangerous paths. Beware!

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