Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

Declaration Of Assets

That the GPS/BN administration of Sarawak should be promoting the “declaration of assets” is the supreme irony of the decade.Who would believe a word any of these people say; let alone any “declaration of assets” they may disclose. Everyone in Sarawak knows that the BN supporting party in power there has been corrupting the electoral process by a variety of means for decades and enriching themselves massively by the destruction of the State’s tropical forest.

Everyone in Malaysia also knows that the Taib controlled GPS government in Sarawak only defected to support the PH government to deflect, or attempt to deflect, a massive probe into decades of corrupt activity in that State.

The excuse, offered at the time, for acceptance of that grossly tainted support was that its votes were needed to pass amending legislation to the Constitution. No such bill has been tabled and none is likely to see the light of day in the foreseeable future. But allowing GPS to take cover under the PH umbrella has been enough to prevent any MACC investigation in that State, An investigation that would see most, if not all,GPS “lawmakers” where they belong. In prison.

One cannot walk in mud without staining the sarong and the PH leaders should realise this. Do they really want a new, equally corrupt, BN administration after the next general election? If so they are going the right way about it.

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