Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Fascist Law. Dud charge.

A Malaysian Court has, very properly, acquitted a police officer who had been charged under the Fascist inspired and BN backed Communications Act. This latter, which even Adolf Hitler would have envied, was forced through by BN in a, vain, attempt to stifle criticism of any kind against them by multi media means.

In this case it was the prosecution, rather than the written law, that fell flat on its face by failing to prove any of the elements required to secure a guilty verdict. So the Judge, very properly, threw the case out.  If the case was authorised by the Attorney General’s chambers the staff member who gave the green light should be sacked for professional incompetence. Unless, of course, the gaps in the case were pointed out to the puppet Attorney General. If so he must have made yet another professional blunder or deliberate misuse of the law

It is time, and past time, that the English Bar, of which the AG remains a member, reviewed his conduct, including his absurd clearance of arch thief Najib while holding up papers proving the latter’s guilt. To be a fool is bad enough in so important an office, to be a rogue is even worse. Choose your category Apandi.

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