Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Heil “Minister”

Minister, sorry “Senior” minister, Ismail Sabri is reported stating that as fines do not appear to deter MCO “violators” they will be imprisoned.

Clearly he does not understand that government is by consent, even when obtained by backdoor support, not by diktat. Or do PN actually believe that having got into government by manipulating the Constitution they can do whatever they like?

Clearly that is the case when it comes to jobs and perquisites but does the delusion go further? Do they actually believe that they can throw citizens into prison for failing to comply with their diktat of doubtful legality?

How, for instance, can they justify criminal actions against the citizens when their right to govern has not been established in accordance with the Constitution?  Admittedly this latter has lost something of its status as the fundamental law of Malaysia by being perverted to put PN in “office”. But still. An “ersatz” administration should be wary of dictatorship, particularly when its authority rests on unconstitutional action.

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