Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

Miniature Hitler

Yet another of arch criminal Najib’s ministers popped his head up with a Hitlerite statement to the effect that civil servants are “only allowed to vote for BN”!

Childish and pathetic though it is this diktat issued by Education Minister Mahzir Khalid is also sinister in the highest degree. How does this fellow think that he has any right to direct Malaysians on how to vote? As a member of mega thief Najib’s party and Cabinet he should be concentrating on how to stay out of jail after GE14 rather than issuing absurd “commands” to civil servants.

This incident points up more than his complete ignorance of democracy (of which he is a paid servant). It also lays bare in public Najib’s thinking and ideology. When he is not occupied with stealing public money the same criminal is trying to secure, by threats and public stupidities, further electoral support.

One wonders when, if ever he will realise he is wasting his, and our time. And grasp the fact that his future will nt be in Putraja but in Singei Buloh.

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