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Question To The Minister

Every Wednesday when the UK Parliament is sitting the Prime Minister is obliged to come there to answer questions. Very democratic. It is doubtful if a similar arrangement exists in Saudi Arabia but nevertheless perhaps its Foreign Minister wont mind answering a few questions; if only to safeguard the reputation of his country.

Assuming that he will here are a few to which the Malayian public would like straight answers.

First; as the Minister stated that these hundreds of millions of dollars came from Saudi government funds, one assumes he wont mind showing the extract from the State account books relating to it?  He can put it on the Web. He can also tell us if his country’s finances are managed in dollars, and if not, why was this payment not made in riyals? Had they become unconvertible?

Secondly, if most of this money was returned it must(?) have been credited back to the account from which it was originally drawn. Similarly a sight of ths entry, including the date, could do much for his credibiity.

Third, since Malaysia is not the only Islamic country in the world could the Minister say what others have received such generous help, in secret cash terms, and detail the application procedure.

Fourth since ir has been proved that this “donation” was channelled through a West Indian tax haven could the Minister say why this was done?  If the money (State funds) was legitimately sent why by this curious route and not direct through the Saudi Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.

An immediate reply is not expected. After all the Minister was only saying, obviously reluctantly, what he had been briefed by the Malaysians to say. He may need a few days for some discreet internal investigation. We can wait a week.

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