Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Rewarding The Thieves

Many Malaysians will be puzzled by the US decision to return part  of the money stolen by Najib and his fellow thieves to an administration clearly in office by a combination of trickery and ignoring the provisions of the Constitution. They will also be puzzled by the apparent fact that this came about through an appeal by the temporary and illegal Prime Minister to an American diplomat. And one who has openly supported BN in the past.

Are Malaysians expected to believe that the State Department has acted on a request from an ersatz Prime Minister who has snatched time off from the golf course to make it? Clearly Secretary Pompeo has some work to do in investigating this whole affair and if, in particular, the matter was masterminded by his subordinates?

At the very least the State Department should demand a full accounting for every ringgit so returned.

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