Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Rigging Elections Is One Thing, Mass Starvation Is Another

The latest expose of what GPS assemblymen, and, by implication, the GPS leadership, have been up to is nothing less than a mega scandal in attempting to reduce those who oppose GPS to starvation in the face of the lock down.

Decades of Taib led misrule have accustomed Sarawakians to expect nothing from their State government other than pillage of their lands and forests by a small minority of criminals. With these latter saving their skins at intervals by buying elections. Who can blame poor Sarawak natives whose lands have been stolen for taking what they can get at election time. The sole blame attaching them is that they sold their right to eject the criminals by the ballot box for such a miserable pittance.

Buying votes is both immoral and criminal; something that does not seem to worry the Muslim and Christian politicians who engage in the practice. Probably because they know that a corrupted government will protect all those involved, including police looking the other way, from punishment.

The Sarawak Constabulary used to be a Force proud of its history and reputation. How do Sarawakian PDRM members now feel as they are told by their KL appointed bosses to look the other way?  Deeply ashamed one must suspect. But all that will not change while a gang of Peninsular and Sarawakian politicians, anded and abetted from the very top of the State. illegally grab power, appoint themselves as Ministers and settle down to pillaging public funds.

Deliberate and intentional starvation is a hallmark of the worst sort of dictatorships. Congratulations to GPS on qualifying for membership of that club

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