Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Where Are You All, Multimillionaires?

Over the past sixty years a number of Malaysians have become rich, and not just rich but mega rich. Among them, for reasons which they apparently do not care to explain, are many of those most prominent in Malaysian politics life. This may not be the place to go into how those mega millions have been garnered or even whether the lawful portion due under Tax laws have reached the public purse.

But in a national emergency such as the country now faces it seems odd, but expected, that those who have done so well financially out of politics, and the connection between politics and business, do not appear at the forefront to share, at least financially, the hardships that the majority poor population have had to put up with, even before disease prevents them from earning their meagre incomes.

Other countries have set a good example in helping those poorer fellow citizens suddenly impoverished by the virus. In Malaysia, it seems, a bag of rice and some spices are deemed sufficient to keep the rakyat contented. Of course the politicians have the excuse that they are too concerned with buying Assembly votes to have time for those who can no longer buy rice. Good excuse? Ot blatant disregard of the many by the few’’ Any comment PN?

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