Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks

Reports indicate that PAS boss Hadi has failed to impress diplomats in the countries in which he is due to represent Malaysia because of his negative attitudes. It appears that they are trying to make him fit for his new role, if only not to further tarnish Malaysia’s reputation; already damaged by the antics of […]

Negative Photograph

Malaysia’s most senior police officer, the Inspector General, is  warning the public not to photograph his officers while they are checking motorists!  Why not? Surely publicity that the PDRM are doing what they, including the IGP, are paid to to should be positive evidence of police efficiency; a matter about which there are more than

Beer Wars

Reports indicate that a decision to allow a brewery to continue operating during the Covid crisis has been overturned by the “Cabinet” (Inverted commas intentional as this body lacks any legitimacy). Since the “decision” has seemingly been overturned the question must arise who made it originally and why? In a Muslim majority country with a

Murder Most Foul

Before the Covid epidemic reached Malaysia, and before the Agong ignored the result of his personal polling of MLAs as to who enjoyed majority support to be Prime Minister, the Sarawak State government was notorious for misapplication of public funds and permitting its cronies to strip the State of its precious timber resources. In fact,

Where Are They?

In other countries, around the world, leaders, national and political, are showing themselves publicly. Their example and their acknowledgment that they are in their places because their people want and respect them, or because they hold elected positions or even, in fewer cases, because they are recognised as national leaders whose words and actions must

‘Winner Their Hearts’

A PAS official is reported as denying that the appointment of PAS boss Hadi as a “special envoy” was requested by PAS. We are led to believe that it was down to the special experience and capabilities of the PAS bigwig. He and his fellows certainly recently demonstrated their “capabilities” by buying a number of

Charm Offensive

It is interesting to see what appears as a possibly concerted effort in the local Press to burnish the image of the present Agong. Pictures show him, informally dressed, standing next to a group of women  outside the Istana Negara. If this photo opportunity was intended to show him in a good light what it

Senior Ministers

It now appears that inflated self esteem among the coup Cabinet Ministers is not, after all, limited to the coup author Azmin.  Now the Minister of Defence is being so described though it is not clear if he is personally claiming the title. The real point is that  “coup” Ministers appear to be more interested

Lack Of Data

Self described Senior Minister (a new category of Minister? Muyhiddin watch out) Azmin has announced a “lack of data” as his excuse for failing to make emergency aid available. Not very comforting for an electorate now ruled by an unelected administration in the midst of a national emergency. Still Malaysians must be grateful to the

Thieves Ask For ‘Their’ Money Back

Press reports quote a Minister in the puppet PN government as saying that its request to the United States for return of money stolen by Najib and co from 1MDB would soon be acceded to. Did he, one is bound to ask, consult with fellow PN bigwig Najib about this? Assuming that the US did

Sticking To Lying In Court

Ex PM Najib is reported as claiming that the PH government spent far more than his did and cited some irrelevant statistics about government expenditures in an attempt to support his fancy claims. The REAL difference is that PH spent on public purposes while he simply used taxpayers money as his personal piggy bank Malaysians

Ministerial Donations

Two month’s pay? Quite a sacrifice for those few in the new Cabinet who are reliant on official salaries for their income. Since they are being so, publicly, generous could we know who they are? And at the same time who, among the mega rich “Ministers” are or intend to be a trifle more generous?

Shared Prosperity Vision

A Minister in the yet to be approved “government” has spoken publicly about what he called this vision. Unfortunately he omitted to detail who exactly will be “sharing” it; always assuming that the communal “government” remains in power and one Malaysian community is specially favoured at the expense of others. Not exactly democracy but a

Crooks Infighting

Reports indicate that Najib Razak, temporarily relieved from the pressure of defending his thefts of public funds, has warned that there are “limitations” to UMNO support for the backdoor, VIP supported, Perikatan government, headed by Muyhiddin. That is a very significant development since it shows that Najib, despite his arrest and trials for dishonesty offences,

Sink Together Or Sing Separately?

Press reports quote the Sultan of Selangor as claiming that the Agong “acted in accordance with the Constitution” in appointing Muyhiddin as Prime Minister. That, in itself, is an inaccurate statement. The power of the Agong is to ask his choice to form a government which can command a majority in the Assembly. Manifestly that

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