Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

Only Policies Not Figures

This was the reply given by the UMNO Secretary General when asked why his party had not published its suggestions for the next Budget.

Like master like pupil. Najib was the head of UMNO when this “policy” was framed. And well he might say so. It relieved him of any necessity to explain what and how much he and his fellow crooks would steal each year from the pubic funds. So nothing changes.

The fact that the UMNO/BN bossku is in the criminal dock and his “temporary” replacement will soon be in the same place does not seem to worry the UMNO hierarchy. Or is it that they simply do not have anything believable to say.

The electorate will judge.

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