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Buy your way out?

Mega thief Najib Razak is becoming increasingly worried that the wheels of justice are grinding their way ever closer to him and his accomplices.

Not in Malaysia of course where he has his crony Attorney General Apandi blocking all prosecutions but outside his country where he is both known as a mega thief and has few friends.

The most pressing threat to him and his continuing liberty comes from the US Department of Justice who have already begun civil proceedings to recover vast sums of money stolen by Najib from 1MDB and recycled into the US; notably to his step son Riza Aziz and also in huge quantities to his accomplice and mega thief Jho Low.

It would be no surprise therefore if he has used more stolen money to hire a lobbyist in the States to try to get action dropped against him by the US authorities. Even less of a surprise that he has hired a lobbyist very close to the Trump Administration and therefore to the new US Attorney General.

If he hopes that the latter will imitate standard Malaysian practice and drop all proceedings against him he is sadly mistaken. Mega criminal activity is not a hobby in the States, to be pursued without risk, but something that gets the perpetrator life in a supermax.

Maybe his new lobbyist has already explained that to him? If not she should do so without delay. Before he wastes even more stolen money on fees. And, by the way, receiving stolen money is also a serious offence in the USA

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