Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

Corruption. Cancer on Humanity.

What has happened, and continues to happen, in Malaysia is the appearance of a disease capable of destroying organised society. Not cancer, not the H bomb, but corruption. Lust for money and the power that large amounts of money can buy.

It is, of course, a worldwide phenomenon, from the exactions of African warlords to the ripping off of customers by mega business intent on extracting the last penny of profit. It has turned large parts of the African continent into disaster areas and it is, more subtly and less obviously, eating into Western society.

Corruption, like any other crime, abhors the light of day. It can only flourish where it can be concealed. In Malaysia that light is now focussed on the criminal Prime Minister and his fellow corruptees. It has been directed on them by a criminal probe carried out by the US Department of Justice and their enquiries shatter all the lying excuses that Prime Minister Najib and his co-conspirators have put forward to try to hide their crimes.

This is a major step forward in what should be a worldwide offensive against this deadly disease. Other signs exist already. Singapore has convicted a minor figure in the Malaysian swindles and Switzerland has acted against Swiss banks involved in Malaysian money laundering. Britain, a major actor on the Malaysian business and government scene steadfastly continues to look the other way. its officials proclaim that Najib is invulnerable and that businesses that have been proven to profit from stolen 1MDB funds can continue to do business in the City, unhindered and unpunished. Not the example that the developing world needs!

International action is needed against corruption in all its forms and, most importantly, governments must lead the way. They alone have the access to information about corruption and the ability to take effective action against it. A start could be made by effective international action against any country where corruption is endemic and or tolerated by its national government. Malaysia is an obvious target and could be the example to other corrupt regimes all over the world. It come down to right or wrong. Good or evil. Which way will Governments jump?

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