Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

Foot in mouth

The Treasury Secretary hastily denies that he bad mouthed poor Malaysians claiming he only wanted to say they should work harder! Does he have any idea at all of the life led by the poor in Malaysia? Has he ever got up before dawn, eaten a miserable meal and gone out to work all day under the hot sun or in the rain?

Of course not. Up. Fancy breakfast. Limousine at the door. Office. Flunkies bowing and scraping. Coffee. A quick flip through the files before sending them to others to deal with. Official lunch. Office to sleep it off. Car back home. Evening refreshments and dinner. What a tiring day and I completely forgot to bad mouth any of the lazy peasants.

Public servants, or some of them, seem to have forgotten the meaning of the words of their job description. Serving the public. Not bad mouthing them or making sarcastic remarks about them.

Will his Minister reprimand him, as ought to be the case? You must be joking! Najib’s job description is the same though more luxurious and with the added advantage that he can loot the Treasury and all public funds at will. No one in the Treasury will notice.or if they do no one will mention it!

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