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I make no apologies.

Thus arch thief Najib speaking to the Press about his China visit. His latest lie? Working with China will make Malaysia a first world nation. Is it not already? After 60 plus years of UMNO domination and rule. Well. No. But only a fool and a liar like Najib would admit it so publicly.

What he really means, and what Beijing intend, is that Malaysia, controlled by one of the world’s biggest criminals will make a convenient Chinese colony. The Malays allowed the British to do that so why would they object to being governed by Communist Chinese?

That, at least, is what Najib is hoping to sell as he trades Malaysian independence for money to cover his mega thefts of Malaysian public money. He seems to think that a platitudinous lie about development via Beijing will cover all his crimes and see him back in power after GE14.

Does selling out the Malay community to China appear to him to be the way forward? Only those whom he has bought with stolen public money will agree and they do not represent a majority for electoral purposes, however many times they kiss his hand as he passes out yet more stolen public money.

The voters, and especially the Malay voters, should realise that he is in bed with those who want to turn Malaysia into a Muslim theocracy solely because that might win him votes and that he personally would not be dealt with under Huddud by losing one or both hands for theft.

Far from protecting the Malay community (a principal policy objective of UMNO since 1957) Najib is selling it out to China in an attempt to save his own miserable skin. Will Malays be so stupid as to support him in that?

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