Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

Intolerable Coups

Speaking from Russia, where his fellow Malaysians did not know he was, arch thief Najib roundly condemned coups!  His own excepted, naturally!  And he had nothng to say about his recently announced intention to bring into force in August extremely repressive legislation which would effectively make him Dictator of Malaysia.

That particular coup is presumaby an exception to his general condemnation!?  It is interesting that he should have been commenting on a failed coup attempt in Turkey against his Islamic fellow traveller President Erdogan.

Both have used the Islamic card to cover ever greater repression and the extinction of  democracy and secular government in their countries.  And both have done so because they have nothing else to reccomend themselves to their voters.

Najib’s frequent visits to Turkey in recent times have not passed unnoticed at home though many have assumed that he was merely arranging a safe haven for the money he has looted from Malaysian taxpayers.  As well as a possible favourable environment to which to move when he loses control in Kuala Lumpur.

There are after all, very limited options for such a bolthole. First it must be prepared to look the other way about the source and ownership of the money he has stolen. Second it must have at least minimal shopping facilities for fat Mama. Third the climate must be one to which they can adjust.  So Russia, otherwise a possible bolthole choice, is ruled out by its winters which extend even to Sochi where a recent visit of exploration took place.  Furthermore President Putin has a well deserved reputation for relieving other rich crooks of their assets.

So Turkey it probaby is; at least while Erdogan is in power. That may not last much longer as he has clearly blasted all Turkish hopes of EU membership by his extremist and dictatorial methods of govenment.

That must be a worry for the Malaysian master criminal as he sees domestic power beginning to slip away and the date for fllght drawing ever nearer.

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