Speakers' Corner: Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site.

Thug State


Anyone reading about what happened to the late S.Balamurugan must be forced to the conclusion that Malaysia is a lawless State and its police force a body of thugs capable of getting evidence only by beating suspects to death.

The facts are clear enough. The deceased was arrested on 6th February, produced in Court the next day and ordered to be released. The Police ignored that order of the Court and Mr. Balamurugan died the next day from blunt force trauma injuries. As he was in police custody all that time he could only have sustained those fatal injuries at the hands of Malaysia’s disgrace of a Police Force.

According to the police officer in charge of N. Klang ten police officers had been suspended from duty while the death was investigated. By the time that Malaysia’s joke IGP came on the scene that had dropped to only one officer and he for ignoring the release order issued by the Magistrate’s Court. Beating to death, it seems, does not interest IGP Khalid Abu Bakar. Why? Is it so regular an occurrence in his police stations as to pass unremarked, let alone unpunished?

It is clear that the PDRM is out of control despite the vast number of joke hatted, be-medalled senior officers on the payroll. Hardly surprising when the head of the Force is himself guilty of numerous criminal offences; among them protecting the mega criminal Najib Razak from arrest. He will, of course, end up in a cell near his present criminal master. In the meanwhile how many more Malaysians will die in police cells as a result of police brutality?

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